This week I have been using Polleverywhere and it occurred to me that I have not written about it yet. "Pollev" can be a wonderful tool in the classroom. How does it work? Questions, either multiple choice or open-ended, are created online and posted. Participants can respond through a variety of options - text messaging, web devices, tweets, or private link. We use iPod Touch devices, much like a clicker response system, but computers or phones, work just as well. What we discovered is how this tool allows participation from learners who normally would not contribute to an oral class exchange. While anonymity is often disparaged online, here is a case for its effectiveness. How many times do we hesitate to add our opinion to a discussion for fear it might be deemed "stupid" by our peers. In a classroom where learning is supposed to be safe and yet where risks should be taken, Pollev might just be the answer.
For some ideas on how to use Polleverywhere check out their blog